

Pet Food Recall - The FDA Updates their lists


Although the news has been almost non-existent lately about the Pet Food Recall, the risk to animals still exists for those that have not been keeping up with the recall lists. The FDA, while falling notably short at times in the crisis, has been working to update their website as a junction of information about recalled pet foods:

FDA Pet Food Recall/Tainted Animal Feed
Updated: May 14, 2007

Topics on this Page

* Introduction
* What Pet Foods Have Been Recalled?
* What Is FDA Doing About the Pet Food Situation?
* News Updates
* Recall Notices by Company
* How Do I Report a Pet Food Complaint?

Symptoms of pet food contamination: Any sign of excessive thirst, loss of appetite, lethargy; get your pet to the vet.

For a list of non-recalled foods, here's a page with a list of all foods (recalled and NOT recalled): http://www.thepetfoodlist.com/

An ongoing list is also available from Pet Food Tracker

And this more complete list of recalled foods from the same site.

Here's some good news: HealthyPetNet (Life's Abundance) has confirmed that NONE of their food is effected by the recall, nor do they use any ingredients that are suspect.

PetConnection's page on the recall has lists of both recalled and other non-recalled food: http://www.petconnection.com/...

SusanHu has also written about this at No Quarter.

Has your pet been affected? Report it here: http://www.PetConnection.com

The ABC News report on the class action suit building on the recall.

Important!! If your pet is sick, be sure to TELL your vet about the ingredients suspected in the poisoning (melamine, cyanuric acid, amilorine and amiloride). The head vet at Cornell mentioned, during his press conference, that there are TREATMENTS for the poisons, as long as the treating vet knows about it.

Menu Foods says they will reimburse expenses for pet owners who can verify their pets were impacted by the recalled food (not saying they will, but make sure your vet charts everything and gives you a copy).

How to make your own cat food: http://www.catinfo.org/

Dr. Michael Fox's Recipes for Cats and Dogs: http://tedeboy.tripod.com/...